5.5 Sale | 10% off all coffee beans this weekend

5.5 Sale | 10% off all coffee beans this weekend

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Peru Cajamarca La Danta 秘魯 卡哈馬卡 拉丹塔

Quantity: 225g

Almond. Milk Chocolate. Smooth.

Variety 鐵皮卡、波旁、卡杜拉
Processing Washed
Region Cajamarca
Altitude 1600-2000masl
Roast Level Light Roast
Quantity 225g

About this coffee :

La Danta 是卡哈馬卡聖伊格納西奧高地生產的混合咖啡。該混合豆以安第斯貘命名,也稱為丹塔山,在蓋丘亞語中也稱為“sacha huagra”。安第斯貘是一種瀕臨滅絕的食草動物,通常在安第斯山脈漫遊,尤其是在卡哈馬卡北部。

對於 Caravela 和社區來說,La Danta 代表了一種更加自覺的咖啡生產文化,將自然和與之共存作為重中之重。為該品牌做出貢獻的生產商認識到並相信,始終將自然放在首位,他們為咖啡及其周圍環境增加了更大的價值。從種子到櫻桃,到羊皮紙,再到生咖啡,這個集體是可能的,這要歸功於超過 74 位農民的共同努力和承諾,他們是我們第一家有機認證咖啡連鎖店的主要合作夥伴。


這秘魯水洗是個簡單的早晨咖啡。 直截了當的牛奶巧克力味風味,帶有淡淡的烤杏仁香氣,餘韻順滑。 讓您在早晨開始新的一天很棒的咖啡。

La Danta is a blend of coffees produced along the highlands of San Ignacio, Cajamarca. The blend is named after the Andean Tapir, also known as mountain Danta, also known in Quechua as "sacha huagra". The Andean tapir, an endangered herbivore, is commonly found roaming the Andes mountain range, especially in northern Cajamarca.

La Danta represents for Caravela and the community a more conscious coffee producing culture that places nature and coexistence with it as an utmost priority. The producers who contribute to this brand recognize and believe that by always placing nature first, they add greater value to coffee and its surroundings. From the seed, to cherry, to parchment, to green coffee, this collective is possible thanks to the joint effort and commitment of more than 74 farmers who are key partners for our first Certified Organic coffee chain.

Peru has a lot of lands that spans from north to south as well as many microclimates due to the Andes Mountains. This makes for many distinct growing regions which each produce coffees with unique flavours. Cusco is a region known for coffees with a particularly light and structured flavour compared to coffees from Cajamarca to the north, which can have more heavy and dense flavours

This Peru makes a lovely & simple morning cuppa. Straight forward milk chocolate notes with hints of roasted almond with a smooth finish. Great coffee to start your day in the morning.

Brewing Recipe : 

Brewing ratio 1 : 16
Ground coffee 22g
Total water 360ml
Water temperature 97ºc
Brew time 2.30-300 minutes
Roast Date 11th of January  一月十一號